Mast Gates

Factory mast slot for the Capri 22.
The factory mast slot makes it easy to insert or remove mainsail slugs, and with a sail track stop in place, you can even douse a sail without all the slugs falling out.  Try to reef the main and suddenly it isn't so hassle-free.  The sail track stop prevents reefing down to the gooseneck from the security of the cockpit.  The solution is a mast gate that provides a transition across the slot in the sail track so the slugs don't fall out and eliminates the need for a sail track stop.  I acquired my mast gates from Catalina Direct.

Mast gates kit from Catalina Direct.
I cut the wire on the gates to equal the length of the slot at the ends (where the curve ends).  Next, the ends of the slot were filed to accommodate the wire and create a smooth transition from gate to sail track and vise versa.  Finally, the mast was drilled and tapped, and the screws inserted.

Mast gates installed.
Reefing and un-reefing have been a breeze since installing the mast gates. I highly recommend this upgrade.

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